Sunday 17 November 2013

The Next Chapter Of Your LIfe!

Hello everyone,

I spent this weekend doing the usual things, cleaning, laundry, groceries...Oh no! I forgot to do groceries this weekend. Thanks to my husband who stopped by Costco to get the bare essentials. I also spent this weekend preparing for the next chapter in my life...

I think we go through life in stages. We go through our day the same way everyday and after awhile it feels monotonous, like we are having an out of body experience and watching our life pass right in front of us...

This is the moment when you need to 'give your head a shake' or have someone do it for you and just break out of this monotony because life is not meant for us to just pass through. It is meant for us to leave a mark, to make a difference, to inspire someone deeply...

Reminds me of my sweet friend who often says, 'Do the last thing God told you to (not 20 yrs ago); then do the next thing (not what He plans for you to do in the future; and just keep moving forward (in step)  with The Savior.' {loose paraphrase} Thanks M.R. for consistent encouragement & your friendship. I love you!Life is a series of events that lead us to the path we are meant to follow. I thought I was on my path this summer, but this was just a curve leading me to my path. Yes, you too have your own path. You know you are there when you start to look at things in your life differently. You start complaining less and appreciating more of what you have rather than of what you don't have...

I am at this point right now. I am starting the next chapter in my life and let me tell you...I am scared! Scared of the unknown. Scared of failing and disappointing myself most of all.

But, I am also excited to begin this next chapter in my life. To get to know long lost loved ones and make lasting memories. I feel like time has slowed down for me, and given me the opportunity to enjoy the now and not worry about what will be....

Stop looking in your past to figure out your tomorrow...

The next chapter in your life awaits...

Grab on with all your might...

And savour every moment!

God Bless,


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